
這是一個賽前預熱,目的為了讓家長們了解比賽系統流程。入面的題目只供參考。This is a pre-match warm-up aimed at helping parents understand the competition system and process. The questions inside are for reference only.

2024 數學小達人 智慧挑戰賽 (賽前預熱)


  • 1. 本次比賽將包含20條題目。
  • 2. 請家長預留60分鐘的時間用於小朋友比賽。我們嚴格遵守時間管理,以確保比賽的公平性和效率性。
  • 3. 請家長和參賽者在比賽期間保持冷靜,不必急於完成。
  • 4. 一旦進入網頁,計時器將立即開始倒數計時,所以請確保在按下連結之前已經準備妥當。
  • 5. 每位參賽者只有一次機會進行比賽,請確保在提交答案前仔細確認。重複提交將導致資格被取消,請謹慎操作。
  • 6. 在參賽者作答期間,請確保錄影能夠完整地捕捉參賽者的畫面。請將鏡頭正面對準,以清晰地拍攝參賽者的上半身和面部,同時保持面對鏡頭的正確姿勢。這將有助於評審更好地評估參賽者的表現。
  • 7. 參賽者家長可以使用智能手機或攝錄機進行錄影,請確保在安靜的環境下進行拍攝。請注意,影片不得進行任何形式的剪輯或後期製作,以確保比賽的公平性和一致性,否則將取消資格。
  • 8. 請在開始後的60分鐘內完成試題,完成後請把做提片段以WhatsApp發送給我們。如果文件太大可以先上載到YouTube或Google Drive再分享連結給我們,並把影片保留到公佈結果之後。這將有助於確保比賽結果的真實性和公正性。
  • 9. 家長可以在電腦上協助兒童播出錄音給參賽者聽,但請不要提示答案。這樣能夠尊重比賽的精神,讓參賽者獨立思考和解答題目。

Pre-match reminders:

  • 1. The competition will consist of 20 questions.
  • 2. Please allocate 60 minutes of time for the children to compete. We strictly adhere to time management to ensure fairness and efficiency of the competition.
  • 3. Please remain calm during the competition and avoid rushing to complete it.
  • 4. Once you enter the webpage, the countdown timer will start immediately, so please make sure you are prepared before clicking the link.
  • 5. Each participant will have only one chance to compete, so please carefully review your answers before submission. Multiple submissions will result in disqualification, so please proceed with caution.
  • 6. During the participant’s answering period, please ensure that the recording captures the participant’s screen fully. Position the camera to clearly capture the upper body and face of the participant while maintaining the correct posture facing the camera. This will help the judges better evaluate the participant’s performance.
  • 7. Participants’ parents can use smartphones or cameras for recording, ensuring a quiet environment for filming. Please note that the video should not undergo any form of editing or post-production to ensure fairness and consistency of the competition, as any such modifications will result in disqualification.
  • 8. Please complete the test within the 60-minute timeframe. After the competition completed, please whatsapp us the video, if the video size is too large to send through whatsapp you may upload to Youtube or Google Drive and then share us the link. Please keep the video file until result announced. This will help ensure the authenticity and fairness of the competition results.
  • 9. Parents can assist by playing the audio for the participants on the computer, but please refrain from providing answers. This allows for respecting the spirit of the competition and enabling participants to think and answer the questions independently.

Please enter participant and parent information, the information must be the same as application. Then parent gets ready to take video using mobile phone, then press Next button to start:

1 / 7

What floor is represented by the question mark on the elevator button panel?

2 / 7

3 / 7

How many triangles are there in the picture?

4 / 7

Which number below is the smallest?

5 / 7

How many legs do two birds have?

6 / 7

How many flower-shaped are there in the picture?

7 / 7

根據規律, 問號位置應該是什麼數字呢?請選出來吧?
According to the pattern, what number should be in the position of the question mark? Please select it.